RAD Curatorial is an annual, invitation-based program that fosters innovation in the curatorial landscape. It is an open and truthful exchange of diverse curatorial practices that focuses on the coagulation and sustained growth of the Romanian art scene, and its framing within the regional and international discourse.
It is part of RAD Art Fair, which is the first initiative bringing together Romania’s leading contemporary art spaces from Bucharest, Cluj, Iași, Timișoara, with exceptional presences from Chișinău, Vienna, and Frankfurt. The collaboration aims to strengthen the core of the Romanian art scene and build a base for the healthy growth of the curatorial landscape in Eastern Europe while increasing visibility and enhancing its relationship to the international scene.
This year we are bringing together 31 international curators in a focused three-day exchange over the four days of RAD Art Fair, comprising of a series of three curatorial conversations organized around three key concepts—MEMORY, OTHERNESS, and Curating CHANGE —complemented by two curatorial city tours to Bucharest’s leading galleries and artist studios.

RAD Curatorial 2024 Curators:
Ami Barak (RO/FR), Julie Boukobza (FR), Cristina Bută (RO), Juraj Čarný (SK), Biljana Ćirić (RS), Maja Ćirić (RS), Cosmin Costinaș (RO/DE), Georg Elben (DE), Inti Guerrero (CO), Barbara Horvath (AT), Horațiu Lipot (RO), Tevž Logar (SI), Adelina Luft (RO), Alexandra Manole (RO), Diana Marincu (RO), Mihnea Mircan (RO), Ciprian Mureșan (RO), Corina Oprea (RO/SE), Ileana Pintilie (RO), Giulia Pollicita (IT), Magda Radu (RO), Andra Silāpetere (LV), Antoine Simeão Schalk (CH), Sandra Teitge (DE), Cristina Vasilescu (RO), Agnès Violeau (FR), Wim Waelput (BE), Tomasz Wendland (PL), Nick Yu (HK), Julia Lerch Zajączkowska (DE), Timur Zolotoev (Buryatia).
Coordinators: Ana-Maria Ștefan & Maria Bîrsan
RAD Curatorial could not have been possible without the generous support of our partners Ministerul Culturii (The Ministry of Culture), Black Cab and the five members of The European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC): Austrian Cultural Forum Bucharest, Institut Français de Bucarest, Goethe Institut Bukarest, Instytut Polski w Bukareszcie & Instituto Italiano di Cultura Bucarest.